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Shenzhen YIHUA JEWELLERY Co., Ltd. was established on November 9th, 1994. It had its roots as the jewelry department of Shenzhen YIHUA Joint Industry, which was established in 1983. On March 29th, 2011, the company was restructured into a joint-stock private enterprise. It is the first jewelry company founded in ShenZhen. It is also a leading enterprise of the gold and jewelry industry in Shenzhen. YIHUA's business comprises design development, production, wholesale and retail for both gold and jewelry . Products include: gold, platinum, K-gold, diamond, jade, ruby, sapphire, emerald, mosaic and natural pearl jewelry. Its core businesses are the production and processing, feed processing, import,export, wholesale and retail of gold, gems and jewelry. YIHUA is a member of the China Jewelry Trade Association and occupies the position of corporate vice-chairman. It's also a member of the Shanghai Diamond Exchange,The Shanghai Gold Exchange Composite and the Shanghai Gold Exchange Conciliation Commission. It is also the corporate vice-chairman of the Shenzhen Entrepreneurs Association, and the Association of Shenzhen Gold and Jewelry Industry. The Company has won the accolade of "Headquarters' Economic Enterprise" conferred by the Government of Futian District of Shenzhen. Berides operating its own production factories engaging in, gold production, platinum production, jewelry manufacturing and jade art, the company also owns a wholesale showroom of more than 2,000 square meters in Shuibei Luohu District and numerous retail shops in key cities throughout China.

